The Ideal Team Player By Patrick Lencioni – The Model: Humble, Hungry & Smart (Part 1)

The Ideal Team Player By Patrick Lencioni – The Model: Humble, Hungry & Smart (Part 1)

The Brew University™ Book Club
The Brew University™ Book Club
The Ideal Team Player By Patrick Lencioni - The Model: Humble, Hungry & Smart (Part 1)

This season, the “bookies” explore what it means to be The Ideal Team Player, based on the book by Patrick Lencioni.  In this companion piece to his foundational book- The Five Dysfunctions of a Team- Lencioni takes aim at what kind of person you need to make a team functional in the first place.  Told through a charming fable, then explored in-depth with his model of “Hungry, Humble, and Smart” Lencioni builds the archetype for his Ideal Team Player.  Now, our Book Club will break down that model, and talk about how it applies to our teams and our culture.

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